It would seem that a sign of the progress of the 21st century is the possibility to buy „exotic” products regardless of the place, and the season in which we find ourselves. Very often we buy good-looking fruits or vegetables that are always available, and we don’t ask ourselves how many kilometers they had to travel to reach the shelves of our supermarkets to give us the possibility of being able to taste them at any time of the year. Our intuition tells us that the current situation is something „special”, an anomaly that seems to be a privilege, without realizing that this „comfort” of ours has a negative impact on our environment!

Rarely, in our daily frenzy, we think about the long journey that the products we buy have taken, who has not been paid enough for the effort put into cultivation or production, and finally we hardly pay attention to the carbon footprint generated just purpose of reviving, with useless purchases, the lives of people in rich and „developed” countries!

Installation detail (200 x 120 cm)

Installation detail (200 x 120 cm)
ph. Andrea Luporini