For several years, we have been hearing about climate change and the degree of pollution of the entire globe, where the effects of our actions are likely to be irreversible. We feel the consequences today, such as increased diseases, epidemics, pandemics, sudden weather changes, endless fires, etc.

Increased consumerism in recent years, the need to pack in disposable packaging, the speed and carefree life of individuals, the lack of appropriate response and lack of action by global concerns contribute to the generation of hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage every day, which, more or less segregated, goes nowhere else than to the environment we live in. Just as we are currently unearthing fossils from hundreds of years ago, learning about the way of life of our ancestors, in a few decades our descendants will learn about our inappropriate habits, „admiring” the pile of colorful, plastic packaging that has already taken over the entire planet.

 Detail (23x5x23 cm)


Installation view „Shifting Landscape”, Tellaro, Italy