The inseparable desire for personal development and the constantly rapid progress of technology from year to year affect our everyday behavior and make us dependent on following the latest trends and posts published on the Internet. Wanting to be always up to date, in touch with the world, surroundings, family or friends, we no longer pay attention to life escaping from our eyes and the madness in which we wander endlessly. The polarization of desires, and thus of behavior, contributes to deepening loneliness, somewhere in the world of virtual absurdities, an illusion, which with each passing day takes on a different meaning and, as a result, becomes a reality. As in photographs, we freeze our real life to be able to enter the “vortex” of virtual space, more or less in line with our beliefs.

The compilation of the colorfully polarized world of people met along the way, captured in photos, becomes a sweetened dystopia of the upcoming social future. Absorbed in another dimension of contemporary “reality” on which we deceptively base our future, not even paying attention to which moment is real and which is just an illusory perfect picture found somewhere on the web.

Installation view, 2024

Installation view – detail, 2024